Fully mature vein is when Kratom has merged its maximum alkaloid production which is leaves from the lower area of the tree.


The Dangerous Misunderstanding of Kratom Leaf Development

Many people completely misunderstand the kratom leaf vein development stages. When a plant is developing alkaloid, all of the alkaloid continues to remain in the plant the entire time. The longer the leaf has to develop the more alkaloid the leaf has. Because many people believe that red vein is the vein kratom has the most alkaloid they experience a placebo effect of it working better for them. In actuality the longer a leaf has had to develop the more alkaloid that is present in the leaf. Fully Mature Vein Kratom unquestionably has the most alkaloid and it is proven by UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) in an ISO 17025 certified AL2A accredited pharmaceutical laboratory testing facility. We have documented scientific proof that our kratom contains more alkaloid than any other kratom on the market. Fully mature vein contains all of the alkaloid that red vein contains and higher amounts of 7OH.

Chief among these is mitragynine (Figure Figure11), which typically constitutes 1–2% of the dry leaf mass and up to approximately two-thirds of the total alkaloid content.1,5 This compound is joined by 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH, Figure Figure11) in much lower concentrations, typically less than 0.05% of the dried leaf mass.1,20 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6598159/#ref5

There is so much data from our United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health about 7OH and it is all way way worth reading. I greatly advise you to read the information about 7OH from NIH, haha it rhymes. 🙌🍃💪❤️

Our kratom is not intended to cure treat or diagnose any disease or illness & has not been evaluated by the FDA & is distributed as religious memorabilia which means it is not distributed for consumption.

Nothing on this website is medical advice or any like that. Most of the information on this website is from the United States National Institutes of Health and Journal of Medicine & it is all done for my personal educational reasons that has saved my life as I seek to pay forward.

The FDA has ban kratom from being sold from for consumption. So, God’s Kratom Kingdom is distributed as religious memorabilia which means it is not sold for consumption. This term & condition is the only way to keep American citizens safe from the FDA kratom plant ban.

Understanding a placebo & nocebo effects with Kratom vein colors.
A nocebo effect is said to occur when negative expectations of the patient regarding a treatment cause the treatment to have a more negative effect than it otherwise would have.[1][2] For example, when a patient anticipates a side effect of a medication, they can experience that effect even if the “medication” is actually an inert substance.[1] The complementary concept, the placebo effect, is said to occur when positive expectations improve an outcome. The effect is also said to occur in someone who falls ill owing to the erroneous belief that they were exposed to a toxin, or to a physical phenomenon they believe is harmful, such as EM radiation.[3]

A placebo (/pləˈsiːboʊ/ plə-SEE-boh) is a substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic value.[1] Common placebos include inert tablets (like sugar pills), inert injections (like saline), sham surgery,[2] and other procedures.[3]In general, placebos can affect how patients perceive their condition and encourage the body’s chemical processes for relieving pain[4] and a few other symptoms,[5] but have no impact on the disease itself.[6][4] Improvements that patients experience after being treated with a placebo can also be due to unrelated factors, such as regression to the mean (a statistical effect where an unusually high or low measurement is likely to be followed by a less extreme one).[4] The use of placebos in clinical medicine raises ethical concerns, especially if they are disguised as an active treatment, as this introduces dishonesty into the doctor–patient relationship and bypasses informed consent.[7] While it was once assumed that this deception was necessary for placebos to have any effect, there is some evidence that placebos may have subjective effects even when the patient is aware that the treatment is a placebo (known as open-label placebo).[8]In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient or others from knowing (with their consent) whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results.[9][10] In a placebo-controlled clinical trial any change in the control group is known as the placebo response, and the difference between this and the result of no treatment is the placebo effect.[11] Some researchers now recommend comparing the experimental treatment with an existing treatment when possible, instead of a placebo.[12]The idea of a placebo effect—a therapeutic outcome derived from an inert treatment—was discussed in 18th century psychology,[13] but became more prominent in the 20th century. An influential 1955 study entitled The Powerful Placebo firmly established the idea that placebo effects were clinically important,[14] and were a result of the brain’s role in physical health. A 1997 reassessment found no evidence of any placebo effect in the source data, as the study had not accounted for regression to the mean.[15][16]

God’s Kratom Kingdom record uplc labs, facility & more.

God's Kratom Kingdom Record Uplc Labs, Facility & More.

Literally The World's STRONGEST KRATOM record holder; An ISO-17025 Certified LAB PROVEN FACT!